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Thursday, February 22, 2007

Yes, You Can Blog!

Blog. A "web log".

Blogging is fast becoming the internet users' preoccupation. Why? Simply because blogging allows you to publish your thoughts, your interests, your views, your reviews, your rants, your frustrations and almost anything else under the sun that you think you wanna keep a log of, for personal purposes or for the purpose of sharing a part of you to the rest of the internet world. On the technical aspect, blogging doesn't require much knowledge on your part in terms of website building, layouting, hosting and all the other requisites for putting up a good website. That even is the reason why blogging has gained enough momentum in the internet world because it allows even the untrained internet user, a way to publish in the internet so easily.

So where do you start if you want to join the blog craze? Start by joining a legitimate blogging network, and I say legitimate because there's a lot of web places claiming to be a blog network but for real, all they do is just take hold of your sign-up details and as soon as you're in, they'll tell you stories like this site is actually bought and we hate to blah...blah...blah. K, Blogger is a good place to start. Not only that it is a big blogging community, it also has enough tools and add-ons for you to have a worthwhile blogging experience.

And what topics can you take up in your blog? As of this writing, there is no standard imposed on what you can blog and not blog about. Of course, common sense will tell you not to publish copyrighted materials, highly offensive publications, illegal activities, obtrusive media and anything that will infringe on other people's rights. But you can blog about absolutely anything that really interests you, say, your favorite pet, the places you go, your weird habits, your quest for stardom, etc. A good way to find out what you really want to write about is to read about other people's blogs in a blog community. And yes, you don't have to be so politically correct. You don't even have to be a good writer. Just be interesting, plain and simple.

How do you write your blogs? Keep it simple and informative. Imagine a lady's mini-skirt. It should be short enough to be attractive but long enough to cover the essentials.

What else can you post in your blog? You can post your own pictures and videos but you have to have your own web hosting site for the specific media, especially videos.

How often should you update your blog? You can update as often as you want. Or you can update only when there is important post that needs to be shared or recorded. The trick is if you have wide readership with your blogs, or if people are subscribing to feeds of your blog then your blog should be updated on a regular basis.

What else can you do with your blog? Learn how you can use your blogs to earn. Old bloggers have utilized this feature and some of them have seen the potentials of earning from blogs. A few are still learning the tricks. Some are still in the dark. Adsense is one way to earn by posting relevant ads in your blog pages. You can sign up for free and you are on your way to earning your first few hits. If you are a beginner though, don't expect too much, it will kill you. Instead be intuitive. Learn what other blogs are doing that made them a success. Slowly improve your blogging techniques one day at a time. Eventually you'll learn, you've hit the right spot.

What if nobody reads your blog? This is where you need your social skills. Start off from home. Invite your friends to visit your blog. Ask them to review it and share their opinions with you. But don't spam! It's ugly.

Is there other ways of having my blog seen and reviewed by other people in the internet? Yes, absolutely! Join blog groups, review groups and invite group members to take a peek at your newly-published blog. You won't get enough traffic to crash your site and at times maybe only one or two people will visit your blog but that's a good start. You can also visit forums and post links to your blog provided you're not violating forum rules. You can also look for blogs that offer blog links exchanges. If you are creative, you'll find out that there's eight hundred ways to kill a cat.

So why are you still reading this blog? Start your own. The possibilities are endless. That I can tell you!

Just Warming up? Visit My Main blog page.